Pardner's Pals

A Letter From Pardner
Pardner's Pals is an initiative to bring Christmas joy to the households in the Lubbock community that are less fortunate.
I know there are parents in our community that are struggling just to make ends meet and instead of cheer, the holidays just bring more stress and depression knowing they cannot afford presents for their children to unwrap.
I may not have a white beard but I have taken it upon myself to help those parents put presents under the tree for their children to open on Christmas morning.
You can help me make my pals' Christmas wishes a reality by sponsoring a kiddo and marking things off of their wishlist! I have gathered wishlists for over 50 children in the Lubbock community and I am asking for your help to fulfill every single one.
Christmas is a season of joy, love, and giving. The best way to honor Jesus is to be like him and help those who cannot repay you. After all, He is the reason for the season!
God Bless,
Nominate A Child
Nominate a child under 18 years of age who you believe may be in need of presents this Christmas. Your nomination will be anonymous. Please be sure to include a valid address that we can drop off presents and contact information for the parent if possible.
The deadline to nominate a child is November 24, 2024!